Speaker From Our Last Lecture

Philip Ryken

Dr. Philip Ryken is the eighth President of Wheaton College, IL (USA). He earned a master of divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary and a doctorate in historical theology from the University of Oxford. He preached at Philadelphia’s historic Tenth Presbyterian Church from 1995 until his appointment at Wheaton in 2010. Philip has published more than 50 books, including The Message of Salvation (InterVarsity, 2001), Art for God’s Sake (P&R, 2006), When Trouble Comes (Crossway, 2016), and expository commentaries on Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Jeremiah, Luke, Galatians, and other books of the Bible. He serves as a board member for the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities, the Gospel Coalition, the Lausanne Movement, and the National Association of Evangelicals.

Watch the full lecture on our YouTube channel with Q&A afterwards.



The Timothy Lectures are annual events hosted by The Timothy Trust. The Timothy Lectures seek to equip and encourage preachers and teachers of God's Word with the tools they need to sharpen their skills in Biblical Exposition. These lecture-formatted events are taught on various topics.

Format: These lectures are held in-person, with the option for Q&A with the speaker. The delivery will be done through live teaching and will be recorded for use after the event has ended.

Cost: $20 per person

Event Breakdown

Introduction: 5-10 min.

Session 1: 45 min.

Q&A: 20 min.

Break: 20 min.

Session 2: 45 min.

Q&A: 20 min.

Total Length: 2hr 40 min.

The exact timing may be subject to change (slightly over or under time) depending on the number of questions, speaker content, slightly extended break, etc.