The Timothy Morning is an event open to anyone who wishes to attend. Learn how to handle the Word of God and faithfully teach it through a Christ-centred approach. Timothy Mornings look to help those who register to understand the Word of God to a fuller and better understanding.


The Timothy Lectures are annual events hosted by The Timothy Trust. The Timothy Lectures seek to equip and encourage preachers and teachers of God's Word with the tools they need to sharpen their skills in Biblical Exposition. These lecture-formatted events are taught on various topics.


The Timothy Course is a weekly, seminary-level training opportunity for both men and women. It is designed to equip people with tools for accurate Bible interpretation and faithful Bible proclamation. Likewise, it is designed to develop some of the philosophical and practical skills needed for the complexities of handling the Scriptures with an opportunity to demonstrate skills acquired.


The Preachers’ Refresher is a retreat for all men in ministry. At this event, we look to refresh the preacher and his preaching through a weekend retreat and a variety of workshops.

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This summer school event helps attendees gain the right tools for studying, handling, and teaching God's Word. This is a four-day summer course with the Timothy Trust. Our leaders want to help you in the best way possible to be better expository preachers and better at handling the Word of God.


The Timothy Trust National Conference is an opportunity for preachers and teachers of the Bible who either currently serve as pastors and Christian workers or who simply aspire to rightly preach and teach the Word of God. The conference includes model expository Bible teaching and meals. The aim of the conference is to encourage and equip Bible teachers to faithfully handle God's Word.