Speakers From Past Events

Josh Moody

Dr. Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of the historic College Church in Wheaton, IL. He is also the president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, which proclaims God’s Word worldwide through daily broadcasts on Moody Radio, One Place, podcasts, and live-streaming on godcenteredlife.org. This session will help equip listeners to aim the communication of God's Word at the heart of our hearers.

Watch the full lecture on our YouTube channel with Q&A afterwards.


Gavin Ortlund

This morning with Dr. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is for training and equipping in preaching God's Word to the Affections. He is a husband, father, pastor, and writer. He serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai in Ojai, California. Gavin blogs regularly at Soliloquium. He is the author of Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future (Crossway, 2019) and Finding the Right Hills to Die on: The Case for Theological Triage (Crossway/TGC, 2020).

This session will help listeners think through and apply issues of theological triage/ordering doctrinal truth in preaching and teaching God's Word.

Watch the full lecture on our YouTube channel with Q&A afterwards.


Peter Williams

This session is for training and equipping in people in God's Word. Dr. Peter Williams from Tyndale House will be coming to speak to us about preaching the book of Judges. He is currently serving as the principal of Tyndale House.

He has written numerous books including Can We Trust the Gospels and Studies in the Syntax of the Peshitta of 1 Kings.

Watch the full lecture on our YouTube channel with Q&A afterwards.



The Timothy Morning is an event open to anyone who wishes to attend. Learn how to handle the Word of God and faithfully teach it through a Christ-centred approach. Timothy Mornings looks to help those who register to understand the Word of God to a fuller and better understanding.

Format: These event are held in-person, with the option for Q&A with the speaker after each session. The delivery will be done through live teaching and will be recorded for use after the event has ended.

Cost: $20 per person

Event Breakdown

Introduction: 5-10 min.

Session 1: 45 min.

Q&A: 20 min.

Break: 20 min.

Session 2: 45 min.

Q&A: 20 min.

Total Length: 2hr 40 min.

The exact timing may be subject to change (slightly over or under time) depending on the number of questions, speaker content, slightly extended break, etc.

Past Event Photos